Observational Astrophysics (obsap) Laboratory
Department of Physics, School of Advanced Science and Engineering,
Faculty of Science and Engineering, Waseda University
早稲田大学理工学術院先進理工学部物理学科 観測宇宙物理学研究室
プレスリリースをしました。 Press release reporting the discovery of gas outflow from a quasar.
プレスリリースをしました。 Press release reporting the discovery of cosmic "BluDOGs".
We host an international conference which discusses galaxy studies by using the James Webb Space Telescope and ALMA Telescope.
Press-release about the discovery of "Red Spiral Galaxies" in the first images of the James Webb Space Telescope. here.
Press-release about Capturing the Onset of Galaxy Rotation in the Early Universe is here.
Press-release about the discovery of the most distant galaxy candidate is here.
The mystery of galaxy formation and evolution is one of the biggest questions in astronomy and astrophysics. The first galaxies in the Universe are expected to form about a few houndreds millions years after the Big-Bang. Observationally, our research team successfully measured the distance of a galaxy called MACS1149-JD1 and found that it was at the cosmic age of about 5 houndreds millions years. A detailed analysis of the spectrum of this galaxy indicates that its formation epoch is indeed the cosmic age of a few houndreds millions years as expected. We are trying to find other such galaxies and even the "first" galaxies to establish the galaxy formation theory.
Cosmic reionization is a phase transition happened in the first 1 billion years of the cosmic history. It is related to the formation of radiation sources such as stars, galaxies and black-holes in the Universe. The most important question of reionization is what kind of objects are the main radiation sources caused the interesting cosmic phenomenon in the early Universe. We are trying to resolve this question by making full use of world cutting-edge observational facilities such as Subaru and ALMA.
The origin of life would be the biggest mystery in the Universe. In astronomy and astrophysics, we are trying to understand how planetary systems form, how planets evolve, and eventually how life forms on such planets. Planetary systems are formed in a gas and dust disk called proto-planetary disk around a young star. In the disk, tiny submicron-sized dust grains collide and stick each other, grow in size and eventually become thousands kilometer-sized planets. We are observing protoplanetary disks to understand this planet formation process.
The atmosphere on Earth is indispensable for life including human being on the globe. However, it becomes an obstable hampers for astronomical observations in some aspects. For example, radiation at some wavelengths are scattered and absorbed by the atmosphere and may not reach the ground. The turbulent motion of the atmosphere disturbs the image shape of astronomical objects. On the other hand, Telescopes in space such as Hubble Space Telescope are not affected by the atmosphere. We are studying the concept of new generation space telescopes to observe a variety of astronomical objects from first galaxies in the distant Universe to biomarkers on nearby exoplanets.